Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Observations on Islamic Law of Inheritance

The BASIS of Islamic Law : 

The word "Shariah" means "The Path". In general Shariah includes the followings : 

1) Instructions from Allah, the Quran 
2) Prophet Muhammad directed Way of Life, the Hadith 

Historically there are 2 facts to consider that : 

1) Quranic verses came to Prophet Muhammad gradually over a period of approximately 23 years, beginning on 22 December 609 CE, when Muhammad was 40, and concluding in 632, the year of his death.

2) Muhammad never Published the Quran while he lived. It was first put-together & published around 632 while one of Muhammad's companion Omar ( later the 2nd Khaliph) decided to collect all fragments, contents from many kind of media. Later after 644 Usman   merge many variations/versions of Quran into just-one. 

Here is a reference from another website 

"Not long after the Prophet's death (632), his successor Abu Bakr, the first Caliph of Islam, asked Muhammad's former head scribe, Zaid Ibn Thâbit, to make a copy. this he did. On Omar's initiative (the future second Caliph), Zaid consulted all the information he could assemble at Madina: the witness of the Hafizun, copies of the Book written on various materials belonging to private individuals, all with the object of avoiding possible errors in transcription. Thus an extremely faithful copy of the Book was obtained."  

URL http://www.islam-guide.com/bqs/15authenticity.htm

3)  The Hadiths were again never written while prophet Muhammad lived. It was later collected and versioned by few. 

The Messenger 


Islamic Laws of Inheritance by Dr. Abid Hussainhttp://www.islam101.com/sociology/inheritance.htm

Sunday, July 5, 2015

You are a Muslim and have only Daughters, now what ?

Islamic Hanafi Law states, if you have no boy-child, if you have only 1 girl child she will get 1/2 , if there is more than 1 then they collectively will get 2/3 of the property. Rest will go to your Parents, Bothers, Sisters, Nephew & Nieces.

So if you have no son, you will not be able to keep your property within your immediate family!
This is an Idiotic Islamic Law. While the christians can do "Will", muslims can do Will of only 1/3 of properties. The Heba is a Risky business as the transfer happens prior to owners death, so in old ages one will become solely dependent on the goodwill of the Daughter( who has received the heba) and their Husband. ..... 

This was possibly okay in the Arab as they took many wives ( so the possibility of having a Boy-
Child was much higher) but that is no longer the case in modern age. This needs change.

"ঢাকা: সরকার কোরআন-সুন্নাহবিরোধী কোনো আইন প্রণয়ন না করার নীতিগত সিদ্ধান্ত নিয়েছে বলে সংসদে জানিয়েছেন আইনমন্ত্রী অ্যাডভোকেট আনিসুল হক। তিনি বলেন, মুসলিম উত্তরাধিকার আইনে পুত্রসন্তান না থাকলে এবং একাধিক কন্যাসন্তান থাকলে সে ক্ষেত্রে কন্যাসন্তানদের চাচা বা চাচাতো ভাইদের সম্পত্তির অংশ পাওয়া-সংক্রান্ত বিদ্যমান নিয়ম পরিবর্তন বা পরিবর্ধন করার কোনো পরিকল্পনা সরকারের নেই।
আজ মঙ্গলবার সকালে জাতীয় সংসদে টেবিলে উত্থাপিত মো. শওকত চৌধুরীর লিখিত প্রশ্নের জবাবে আইনমন্ত্রী এ কথা বলেন। "

Ref: http://sorejominbarta.com/beta/2015/06/30/

Friday, July 3, 2015

Observations on Religion of Peace , Islam

The Claim that  "Quran teaches peace".

One could have been born in a peaceful family which happens to be of Muslim faith. But does the holy book teach Peace ?

Somehow  ISIS, Al-Shabab all seems to say they are following the Quran while the behead human beings. Lets look at the verses that empowers them : 

Sura #8 ( aka Sura Anfal), Verse #12 

Sura #47 ( aka Sura Muhammad) , Verse #4 

Few other Observations:

Sura #4 ( aka Sura Nisaa) , Verse #34 
Allows beating of wives. 

Sura #4 ( aka Sura Nisaa) , Verse #74 
Great Reward in you Die in the War/Zihaad.

Sura #5 ( aka Sura Maidah) , Verse #51 
It says "Believers, take neither Jews nor Christians for your friends."

Many arguments can be made against such verses (they must be contextualized, they are applicable only to that time or they are metaphorical, etc etc) but one cannot say these verses do not exist. 

So, it is FALSE that "Quran teaches peace". 
