Various Essays: One party leadership and related other thoughts:
It's not like brushing teeth two times a day that one can skip if very much needed, rather it's essential. Our parliament needs to become relevant to the public. Our Father of the Nation’s (FTN) beautiful gift to us remains underutilized. I did not hear of any bill by parliamentarian either on Covid-relief guidelines or extending penalty of rape to death sentence or how to better migrate Rohingya's to Bashan chor or the justification of Bangabandhu satellite expense and its actual benefit etc. Often its “Thank you” proposals occupy hours after hours of expensive Parliaments working time. Because rape penalty extension was not discussed at length at the parliament I am sure it will be a narrow and often unfitting ordinance. Say if a woman rapes a man ( handsome disabled ), a man (gay) rapes a man, a woman rapes a woman, a kid rapes another younger kid and so on so forth, these will likely not have guidelines in current extension or may be in the original “Nari O Shishu Nirjaton Ayne 2000”.
Live discussions at the parliament is vital to our national wellbeing. The basic check and balance is gone if there is no constructive rivalry. However by now we know the rivalry between parties often will stoop in childish behaviors. And that is also part of the cycle. Awami League Bangladesh (ALB) religiously issuing nominations only based on deep pockets has made way to gather champion thieves in our collection of parliamentarians . A coherent and thought thru argument is not possible by any of these Industry thugs. A community is better off having many leaders at many levels operating and graduating over time. Democracy should facilitate this flow and not force-plant leaders or choose wealthy or socially connected. We have a need to nurture young leaders as these are the special crop of nature. They are to assist the apex leader with critical thinking and execution when time comes. They will guide the nation in future to better heights.
It is time to free our FTN Bongabondhu Sheikh Mujibar Rahman, make him everyones and not ALB’s sole property. If he is FTN then why is it used in ALB’s logo? We should draft a bill and pass a law so that we transcend FTN to be open and available to all political parties. Law should mention that his picture can not be used as underwear, in bathrooms, for porn etc and high resolution images should be available form Bongobondhu Foundation websites for accuracy & mass use. FTN should become as ubiquitous as the picture of Dome-Minaret and Crescent-moon found in anything Islamic. Because of ALB’s ownership of FTN, people have difficulty attributing artistic work to him, have his pic at home, on t-Shirts, Non-AWL has difficulty giving him FTN recognition, opponents of FTN have to look for flaws in FTN’s characters and work. FTN is a national treasure, it equally belongs to all Bangladeshis. It should be made such that it is available to all Bangladeshis. And it was not only him who brought the country to Independence, It was many many others like our ex-prime minister Taj Uddin and all others involved in forming the first government in the Mango Orchard. I don't think FTN ever fired a gun during 1971 independence. It was not his job, his job was to project confidence and grit to victory of Bangladesh. When they performed that act of forming the first government of Bangladesh they all knowingly signed their death sentences. We are lucky that Pakistan could not get to most of them.
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