Saturday, July 16, 2016

Commentary on Islamization of the Western World 2016-onward

Newt Gingrich just said the US should deport all Muslims who believe in Sharia

I would no impose upon my Host to move the kitchen to the other side of the building ...... specially if he is doing me a favor by just letting me stay, work & live for as long I need to be..

Said that, all practicing or moderate muslims will eventually ask for Shariah Law. Its rather funny that they are often running away from Shariah Law ( Saudi, Syria etc ) but as they continue to practice religion they will eventually try to get Shariah Law as Muslims will get Bonus-Point credits cashable towards a seat in Muslim Heaven (with the must-have 72 female virgins).

Shariah Law can be modernized as there are room for some interpretations/adoptions. Fundamentally Shariah has no place for freedom of thoughts, secularism, democracy or equality. Petty thieves will get their fist chopped off,  2 women = 1 man in case of evidence, will behead people for adultery, blasphemy and many more shit like that. ............. yeah, if you want Shariah, go back to your home country man, do us a favor as we like what we got.

HOWEVER, it will be a whole different scenario with the Guests offsprings. Staying will be their birth right and they will drive the political process to Shariah. And they will be many......

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

ওরা ছিল আদর্শ ছেলে

রকিব,  কি করছো আজকাল ?
সালামালেকুম চাচু, আমি নরথ-সউথ-এ এম,বি,এ করছি।

বিড়ি সিগারেট খাও টাও ?  --  জি, না
তোমার বাবা তো বিত্তশালী,   মদ-টদ একটু ?  --  জি, না
রাস্তায় মেয়ে দেখলে শিশ-টিশ দাও ?  --  জি, না
গার্ল-ফ্রেন্ড ও না ? --  জি, না

বন্ধুদের নিয়ে ফাস্টফুডে হল্লা করো,  বাবার টাকায় ফান ?  --  জি, না
রোজা রেখেছ ? সবগুলো ?  --  জি, না,  একটা মিস হয়ে গেসে, ভুলে । 
তারাবীর নামায পড়েছো ?     -- জি, পড়েছি , কোনো মিস হয়নি।
সাব্বাস, কলেজ বন্ধ থাকলে কি করো ?
জি মসজিদে যাই, আল-কোরান পড়ি, বন্ধুদের নিয়ে হাদিস-কোরান আলোচনা করি।

বাপরে, তুমিতো আদর্শ ছেলে! কাল সন্ধ্যায় কি করলে ?  -- গতকাল এক জাগায় গিয়েছিলাম বন্ধুদের সাথে, কিছু অবিশ্বাসীদের ...............

……জুলাই মাসের তারিখের আগে ওরা ছিল আদর্শ ছেলে,  মারাও  গেছে আদর্শের জন্য।  ইসলাম/মুসলমান/মসজিদ/নামাজ/কোরআন/আলহামদুলিল্লা শুনেই ভালবাসায় অন্ধ হওয়ার কোনো কারন নেই।

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

মুসল্মান হিসেবে যে ইসলাম ত্যাগ তাকে হত্তা করা উচিত ?

I am a Muslim, should I kill a person who left Islam,? 
মুসল্মান হিসেবে যে ইসলাম ত্যাগ তাকে হত্তা করা উচিত  ? 

The short answer is Yes if you believe in the Quran & Sunnah, where sunnah, سنة, Arabic: [sunna], plural سنن sunan [sunan]) is the verbally transmitted record of the teachings, deeds and sayings, silent permissions (or disapprovals) of the Islamic prophet Muhammad, as well as various reports about Muhammad's companions.

আপনার কুরান ও সুন্নাহতে ইমান থাকে তো হ্যা। 


Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Madina Charter

This is a treaty, treaty of alliance. 

  1. A Believer will not kill another Believer, for the sake of an un-Believer. (i.e. even though the un-Believer is his close relative).

  2. No Believer will help an un-Believer against a Believer.

  1. Believers are all friends to each other to the exclusion of all others.

25. No un-Believer will be permitted to take the property of the Quraysh (the enemy) under his protection. Enemy property must be surrendered to the State

54 Allah approves this Document.

The love for Jews: 
  1. Those Jews who follow the Believers will be helped and will be treated with equality. (Social, legal and economic equality is promised to all loyal citizens of the State).

  2. No Jew will be wronged for being a Jew.

  3. The enemies of the Jews who follow us will not be helped.


Womens rights in Islam

Womens rights in Islam 

Women's share of inheritance, always 1/2 of Men!

Women as witness has the value of 1/2 of a Man. 

Wife beatings is a must to discipline wife(s) as per Sur'a Nesaa . 

Heaven is designed for Men or girl loving lesbians.

Yes, Mumins can fuck around with Sex slaves.

Multiple wives but cant have multiple husbands.

#drawmohammadday #JeSuisCharlie #NotAfraid #trueislam #muslim#hizab #ISIS

Everybody Draw Muhammad Day entries 2016

Everybody Draw Muhammad Day entries 2016  


This is a showcase of creative work, if it offends you, You are just an Idiot.

Jesus claimed to be son of God, Buddha was the heir to a throne,  if these guys are open to creative work, Muhammad ( or You) should just grow the missing balls.  

All work is under CC lic