Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Problem with Burka Hijab

Problems with Burka 

The intent of this writeup is not religious or anti religious, human right,  health or wellbeing perspective, rather the perspective of ????

An  un-identifiable person (1) interacting with other persons or (2) operating in a public area.

Scenario 1: 

Say you are teaching a class and there are a few in burka, only their eyes are showing while in class.
During final exam how would you ensure if those are the right girls sitting in for the test under those Burkas ?

Say a woman or man in Burka in a public place involved in stabbing, shooting or bombing.  Unless she/he is apprehended at the spot, it would be difficult to capture at a later time.

Scenario 2:

With Burka one becomes to be a ghost with all human capabilities. Say a Burka curses a person and there is more than one Burka-wearers, how would one know which one uttered the foul words ?

Some Burka-wearer dropped a purse or bomb and walked into other Burka-wearers, how would one find the true owner amongst others?

What would a compassionate human do if say he finds an unconscious Burka-wearer on the road after an  accident ?

It is VITAL to be able to recognize other humans to operate in a society. Un-identifiable person, may this be Burka or a Mascot costume, is a menace to society.

Scenario 3:

Masked individuals at Public Places.  

Why do we even allow these Masked individuals to be at our Schools, Malls, Planes ? We won't allow a Masked Man to enter a Public school or Plane but these are ignored?!
Death of reason.
That girl ( Tasfin Maleek)  was wearing the Balls for Syed Farook !

 The law has existed since 1845,  the New York Penal Law 240.35(4), it is illegal to congregate in public with two or more people while each wearing a mask or any face covering which disguises your identity. It was last enforced in 1999. 

North Carolina has a statewide ban on anyone wearing face masks in public property (North Caroline General Statutes, Chapter 14: Criminal Law, Article 4A (Prohibited Secret Societies and Activities), section 14-12.14).

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